Password Protected Page

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  • #492
    Dan Morrell

    I have a password protected page which gives the password prompt on a computer screen, but as the display item reduces in size (e.g. a laptop, iPad or iPad mini) the option is not there. I thought one of the advantages of using the ‘new’ iChurch themed websites was that they were responsive and adjusted to the type of display medium. Any suggestions how I can get the password prompt to appear consistently on laptops or even at all on an iPad mini? Your help would be appreciated.

    Dan Morrell

    I don’t know, Ken – it’s showing ok for me on iPad and phone – look: wilmslowgrabcopy.jpg. Is it not doing that for you?

    Dan Morrell

    The password prompt appears when I go to your member’s area on my Android phone.


    Dan Morrell

    Thanks Rebecca and Andy. I must have an extremely unusual iPad mini…….

    Dan Morrell

    What is displayed when you go to the page instead of the prompt?

    Dan Morrell

    Sometimes it displays the prompt, other times there is just a space where it should be. I’ve also created another password protected page within the first. More often than not, the second page allows you in to read the ‘private’ information without asking for a password. I want an area where our church can put information like meeting minutes, rotas and members’ photos on to the site without non-church members seeing it. At present, I don’t seem to be able to get that……….
    Any thoughts that might help?

    Dan Morrell

    Now this might be a stupid suggestion, but could you just check please that it’s not that it’s letting you in because you’re already automatically logged in? I can’t seem to get in at all, no matter how hard I try! Can you get a few other people to check it on different machines? Any of you other webmasters been able to get into the page without the password? Here it is:

    Dan Morrell

    doesn’t let me in when using Chrome.

    Dan Morrell

    Hi Rebecca,

    I think that’s the answer. I’ll stop panicking and continue to make biscuits………..

    Dan Morrell

    …making me a very happy customer!

    Keep up the good work 😉

    Dan Morrell
    Quote from Derek the Rev on October 23, 2013, 23:17
    doesn’t let me in when using Chrome.

    Thanks for checking, Derek 🙂

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