slide shows

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  • #501
    Dan Morrell

    Since upgrading to latest WordPress my personal site [running same software as iChurch+] has lost the facility of slide shows in the galleries. Church site working just as it always has but the option for a slide show has disappeared – only option is for varying the number of pictures across the page. You can click on an image and then work you way through them but the automatic slide show just isn’t there.
    Any ideas?

    Dan Morrell

    Hi Derek,

    I’m not quite sure I’m answering the right question (!), but if I do read you right, here goes:

    If you’re creating a gallery in a page or a post, you click “Add Media”
    In the lightbox that pops up, you select, from the menu on the left, the second option, “Create Gallery”.
    You then select or upload your images as previously, and having done so, click the “Create a New Gallery” button at the bottom right.
    On the next screen, you get options to configure your gallery. The bottom one of these is a dropdown which allows you to choose “Type”, which is a choice between “Thumbnail Grid” and “Slideshow”.
    I think this will do what you’re looking for. I think this is just one of the latest developments of WP.

    However, if I’m on completely the wrong track, please shout up again! I honestly can’t remember what it did before (so fickle!), so I’m not sure how much help I’m being!

    Dan Morrell

    that is what should happen Rebecca – but I no longer get the option for the slide show. It worked fine before I updated WordPress and come to think of it Jetpack which was done on the same day. Yet the Hamilton site still works fine. Weird!

    Dan Morrell

    Hmmm, odd indeed. If the iChurch site works fine but the other doesn’t, and the only difference is that you have it hosted elsewhere, my inclination would be to check with your hosting…but it seems a bit weird! Maybe it’ll come back…..?!!

    AndyL – any suggestions?

    Dan Morrell

    Very peculiar indeed. I’ve just updated my iChurch+ site and plugins and don’t have the same problem. Any chance of a screenshot of the screen you are getting and where the option is not appearing? It’s hard to get a feel for what is going on without being able to see it.

    Dan Morrell

    tried to put in a screen shot but will have to scan a copy as it didn’t seem to copy – will do so in morning
    But the section I am in is under ‘create gallery’ or ‘edit gallery’ where there are three boxes under gallery setting
    top one is attachment page/media file/none
    second one is columns to set number of images across the page
    and the last one is random order
    the anticipated ‘type’ for setting a slide show no longer appears on my personal site settings but does on the hamilton site.
    Will try and post screen shot in the morning.

    Dan Morrell
    Dan Morrell

    Intriguing. I think the next step is to try disabling and re-enabling all your plugins one by one to see if it is a problem caused by one of them.

    Dan Morrell

    thanks – will try that later.

    Dan Morrell

    tried that – no difference

    Dan Morrell

    You could just check it’s not a theme issue by briefly switching to one of the WordPress supplied themes. I don’t think this is likely to be the answer though, because I am using the same theme with no issues. It could be a server issue in which case I’m afraid I can’t offer any advice. I have googled a bit and found a few reports of similar issues, never really pinned down to anything though – in general people have just installed plugins to work around it I’m afraid.

    Dan Morrell

    thanks – will try some other plug-ins. Does seem weird though.

    Dan Morrell

    Very weird!

    Dan Morrell

    Hi Derek,
    The very brilliant wonderful awkwardsquad has, we think, solved this mystery!

    Install Jetpack, then set up the ‘Carousel’ option….

    Does that do the trick?

    Explains why we couldn’t work it out, too!!

    Dan Morrell

    Tried it a while back but will give it another go! Thanks.

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